I'm not really sure what it "says" about me, other than that I don't really use Facebook that much. I am also not really sure how it relates to the reading, since I don't think the "digital divide" is as great between me and my (future) students, who are approximately the same age, and I have never used MySpace so I don't know much about "white flight" in that setting.
I am fully prepared for my mind to be blown on Tuesday.
Matt, the photo looks like it actually says a lot about you. Not really knowing all that much about you, taking a quick glance gives me a ton of info. This may not be true, or who "you" really are, but I do know you are in a relationship, that we share a like of words, Wolf Parade, and Watchmen. And that we don't have any of the same top friends, though our birthdays are very close, day-wise. I'd say that's a lot of stuff. Again, it may not be correct, but it's all I got to go off of at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI was actually going to say much the same thing as Tim. Having a Facebook profile at all says something about you - although I hesitate to make a guess at what. Maybe you like seeing updates from some friends back in Ohio? Maybe you like having your websites all listed in one place? (Sorry, I took advantage of being your Facebook friend and looked at the profile in person).
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, your profile is telling for its sparsity of information, interspersed with small pieces of the absurd. I have a hard time believing that you have ever typed, "I STILL HAD THEEEEEESE." But it seems fitting somehow.
At any rate, I agree with you about "The Digital Divide." It doesn't seem like much of a divide to me when it comes to using technology. However, I do wonder about how much rhetorical attention students pay to the websites (like Facebook), that they frequently visit. Thanks for the post!
First, you're cynical. Which leads me to point 2....
ReplyDeleteSecond, as Jill and Tim say here, it seems to me that a fb profile always says a lot about someone, unless it's left blank. And even that says something. It used to be the case, back in the good ol' days, then when I went to someone's house/apt for the first time I would judge them very quickly on the following: 1) books on the bookshelf, 2) CDs in the cd rack, and sometimes 3) reading material in the bathroom. Now, I use Facebook to help me out here (because god forbid i leave my house). Interests, photos, styles of photography, status updates, they all give me a sense of someone.
The age divide is something you probably won't face at first. However, give it a few years....suddenly these kids no longer get your jokes, are into things you've never heard of, and speak some sort of moon language. This happened to me in my late-20s--the gap became huge. What, at that point, do you think will be your responsibility? Do you want to keep up on what students are doing in their freetime? Do you think it's your job to teach the tools they're already using?
Food for thought.